A Run of Reflection

We’ve all seen and continue to see the terrible devastation that the people of Japan face as a result of the recent natural disasters and the resulting knock-on effects. This post is inspired by all that is happening in Japan.

Run For JapanRegular readers know that I’m a runner, and today, I did a Run for Japan which is “bringing together the global running community and showing solidarity and support through dedicating runs around the World to the people of Japan.” Run for Japan is a fundraiser with the goal to cover 24,901 miles (right around the world) in 28 days with at least one run dedicated from every country in the World. Each runner is asked to make a donation of at least one unit of their home currency per mile.

Today I headed out for my Run for Japan and as always, was focused on where I would run, how far, what sort of time I’d do it in – all the usual things.

But halfway through the run, something strange happened.

I reached the Botanic Gardens and noticed a structure I’d never seen before – perhaps because I’m usually too focused on the run itself, or perhaps it’s new – I honestly don’t know.

I stopped and took it all in.

I continued on my way but instead of running and focusing on making up for the lost time, I walked through the gardens and actually saw the gardens, the trees, the sculptures, the volunteers working and the wide array of animals. It was beautiful and despite running through these gardens many, many times, I believe today was the first day I truly appreciated them for more than a traffic free running path.

My mind is always buzzing with thoughts and ideas when I run (a pain control mechanism I think!) but today, I felt peaceful and reflective. As I looked and saw, I thought about the life lessons and metaphors I was experiencing and I made the short collage below to share with you.

The biggest lesson for me today, was this

There are big rewards for taking time out to stop and reflect instead of just racing to the finish line.

We need to appreciate what we’ve got and not just what we want. Enjoy it today. Tomorrow it may be gone.

If you are able to make a donation to support Japan, please do. Here’s a link to the Australian Red Cross site.

Please like or share this post to help the people of Japan. Leave a comment too if you’re moved to do so.

About Suellen
I’m Suellen Hughes and I started my own business after many years working globally in the corporate world. I'm married with a primary school age son. I'm a bit of an adrenalin junkie and have tried bungee jumping, sky diving, hot air ballooning and have run a marathon. I love working with business owners and entrepreneurs who do business online. I'm particularly interested in working with health, wellness and lifestyle businesses.

5 Responses to A Run of Reflection

  1. Desolie says:

    How beautiful, Suellen, that in the midst of so much adversity in this world that we are made to take the time to reflect.

    So many of my on-line friends are expressing the same thought – reflection shows the truth that leads to new insights and growth.


  2. Thank you, Suellen. The gift of presence is such a powerful and beautiful truth. 🙂

  3. Jen Brown says:

    I often do the same thing as you; focus too much on the running part (how fast, how hard etc) and not enough on the world around me.

    The same can be said for most of us in our everyday lives, eg complaining about other commuters rather than paying attention to the colour of the sky change as the sun rises when we are stuck in traffic or not paying attention to the music played by buskers while hurrying to work through a crowded train station.

    Thanks for reminding me to pay attention

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