You Don’t Have to Be Thin…

to be irresistible!

In recent weeks there has been ‘interesting’ media comments in regard to the global exposure of semi-nude model Lizzie Miller in Glamour magazine, who dared to have a roll of tummy fat.Lizzie_Miller

The unfortunate problem with our society is that our opinions are shaped so much by the media and when I hear so many uneducated and ill-informed comments I get very angry. Some commentators when describing Lizzie did say she was beautiful . . . in the face.

The reality is this woman is a size 12 (far from a plus size model) and she decided not to be air-brushed. So what you see is what you get and she is fantastic!

I am also prepared to wager that she does work out.

When you look at her face, you can she radiates. There is natural glow in her skin and twinkle in her eye and from 20 years in the fitness industry, I know you get that from exercise.

Did you know that endorphins are released when you exercise? This hormone is the natural suppressant for adrenalin, the hormone that creates stress. And endorphins are released when you laugh, have sex and exercise . . . do all 3 at the same time and what a natural high!

When endorphins – or as I like to call them dolphins – begin to move throughout your body everything changes for you. You will stand straighter. You will smile more. You will walk with more purpose. Your self esteem and confidence sky-rocket. This may only be for a few minutes but for those few minutes you are irresistible to the world!

Your challenge lies in lengthening the time you feel good about yourself. This can be done by working out more often and with a goal in mind. You see working out is not all about getting slim, it is about making your inside healthy. And when you are healthy on the inside, you will look healthy on the outside and people love to be around healthy people . . . hence your irresistibility!

This blog was kindly contributed by:
Justin Tamsett – who has been a health club manager and owner since 1993 and seen many people change their life through exercise. He is now a small business consultant sharing tools to profitably run small to medium size business. He is also a corporate speaker on ensuring work-life balance with an innovative YENO Wellness Quotient. Please visit Justin’s blog or follow him on Twitter @JTActiveMgmt as he strives to lower the health care costs for Australia!

I Never Loved Another Person….

the way I loved myself – Mae West.maewest

One of the gurus of the Coaching world is Thomas J Leonard who sadly passed away back in 2003 yet his teachings live on and are as valuable and insightful today as they were back in his heyday.

Thomas developed a fantastic program named “The Attraction Program” and one of the principles in this program is “Become Irresistibly Attractive to Yourself”. So what does this mean? It seems that Mae West grasped the concept pretty well 🙂

In today’s society, image plays a big role in defining “irresistibly attractive”. Sadly, it is often presented and interpreted as wearing a “Size 0”, being wrinkle free, having long flowing hair, wearing designer labels and earning lots of dosh. For some people, this may actually make them irresistibly attractive to themselves but for others, it’s shallow and leaves them feeling very unattractive.

So what does it take to become Irresistibly Attractive? The starting point is to ask yourself “When I’m feeling really good about who I am, what is it that I’m doing?” The answer will be different for everyone. For some people it might be hard to answer this question so turn it around and think about when the voices in your head start on the negative speak, what are they saying? Ask yourself “When I’m really down on myself, what’s going on to make me feel that way?”

Thomas Leonard created Top 10 Ways for Becoming Irresistibly Attractive to Yourself:
1. Stop doing what you know is bad for you and start nourishing yourself.
2. Stop trying to meet anyone else’s expectations and start meeting your own.
3. Stop being so good and start being radical.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others, and identify your own measures.
5. Stop setting yourself up and start making life easy on you.
6. Stop setting other people up and start underpromising.
7. Stop waiting and start trusting your inklings.
8. Stop chasing and start appreciating.
9. Stop trying to become somebody and just be yourself.
10. Stop having problems and start solving them.

If you’re interested in reading more, post this link into your browser

And a final word…unless you are attractive to yourself, it will be difficult for others to be attracted to you.

Can sleeping cause wrinkles?

Well definitely a lack of sleep and dehydration takes it’s toll on the skin, as any of us who’ve peered into the mirror with bloodshot eyes after a big night will attest!

But apparently the way you sleep might also be causing wrinkles. If you sleep on your side or worse still face down into the pillow, then you won’t be doing your skin any favours.

So what to do? Well of course you could try sleeping on your back but if you’re a lifelong side or face plant sleeper making the switch onto your back is easier said than done.

An alternative is to purchase a silk pillowcase. Yes a silk pillowcase apparently is gentler on your skin and will help keep those lines at bay. Don’t just take my word for it. Check out Natasha Hughes’ article in today’s SMH Life & Style section
Now I can speak from personal experience here (as I can on many topics wrinkle related). I friend of mine (and it’s lucky that she is a lovely person or I may have taken offence!) gave me a SLIP pillowcase as a gift. Not only is it luxurious to sleep on – it really did seem to help my lines. The added bonus is that I found that my hair wasn’t a complete bird’s nest every morning, rather I awoke to that just …… look – well you know what I mean.

Tops tips for yummy mummy’s

Before children many of us spent significant time (and money) on our style and image. We had our hair done every six weeks, we made regular visits to the cosmetics department to purchase the latest colour lipstick or latest shade of blush, we had the perfect shoes and bag to match the “power suit”, we had time to touch up our makeup during the day and keep the dreaded shine at bay and we even had time to read glossy magazines!

For many mums, once the children come along it’s easy to let style and image slip by as we busy ourselves taking care of our precious darlings. Perhaps our bodies aren’t quite what they used to be. We can’t find the time to get our hair trimmed, let alone coloured. Dragging the children to the shops just to browse at the latest fashions is inconceivable.

Rather than fragmented, ineffective attempts at making a difference to your image, you need to condense time and focus effort to maximise results. Our “Top 10 Image Transformation Tips” will help you create an image and style that you are proud of and that will really be noticed.

1. Do a stock take of your wardbrobe. Are your clothes older than your children? Do you wear the same three or four things over and over yet your wardrobe is bursting at the seams (pun intended) with clothes that you haven’t worn, nor are likely to wear in the foreseeable future? Why not spend an afternoon with a close, honest friend or better still engage the services of an image consultant for a thorough wardrobe analysis. Throw out things that don’t fit or don’t suit. Make a few dollars selling your unwanted items on ebay or give you old clothes to a charity for someone who will actually wear them.

2. Shop with purpose. Maximise precious shopping time – focus on what you really need not just that the latest fashion. Make a list of essential items you need to complete your wardrobe – accessories to freshen up an outfit, a top to go with your favourite trousers, a bra that fits and supports. This way, you might actually buy something for yourself rather than just buying more for the kids. If you really want to maximise your precious shopping time, why not think about making an appointment with a personal shopper – who can scout around ahead of time and present you with the best options.

3. Update your style. Has your style changed with your lifestyle and body changes? Put together outfit combinations with the pieces, cuts and accessories that best suit your body shape. If you have 2 minutes to get yourself and the children out the door, and you finish up with a little hand-print of Vegemite on your skirt – you can make a fast change.

4. Tame that mane. If the only thing you do with your hair these days is throw it up in an elastic, then maybe it’s time to book an appointment with a good hairdresser. Ask your hairdresser to recommend a style that is easy to manage for your specific hair colour and texture. Remember, the closer you keep to your natural colour the easier it will be to maintain and probably the better it will look. Versatile styles are great for busy mums so that you can look sexy and sassy when you like but practical and easy when you’re in a hurry. Book your next appointment while you are at the hairdresser – you can always, change it but at least it’s a marker in the diary. If you just don’t have 2-3 hours of time without the children, then book a hairdresser with a crèche or ask a friend to mind them and then return the favour.

5. Make over your makeup. Ever feel like your 4 yr old daughter could do a better job putting on your makeup? Heavy makeup can mean you are literally hiding behind a mask and make you look unapproachable. Go for the natural look everywhere but eyebrows – stray hairs can add years and also give impression of sloppiness. Clean-up and throw out old, broken makeup – update your colours not just with the latest hues but also age appropriate. Make an appointment at the cosmetics counter or book a makeup artist to visit you at home to give you your own personal makeup lesson.

6. Drop a few kilos and tone up. Tuck shop mums don’t have to have tuck shop arms. Just because you make great muffins, doesn’t mean you need to wear a muffin top. Get yourself a personal trainer to come to your home or meet you in the park. A couple of kilos can really make a difference to how you look and feel. Maxmise your daily housework – squats as you pick up toys, pelvic floor exercises while stirring sauce, use the cans (unopened!) for bicep curls.

7. Eat your way to better looks. Do you know your Vitamin alphabet? ABCDE Vitamins + water, water, water, water will do wonders for your hair, teeth, nails and skin. For complexion, strong teeth and nails and healthy gums, you need Vitamin A from fresh fruits, vegies & lean meats. Vitamin B found in eggs, meat, poultry, dairy and soy is good for managing digestion, energy, PMT, stress and anaemia. Vitamin C is not only good for keeping the kids colds away but also for collagen formation and healing scar tissue – good sources come from fresh & frozen fruit and vegies. For super shiny hair, strong teeth and nails – calcium & Vitamin D from a little sunlight. Heal wounds and bruises with Vitamin E found in spinach, broccoli, peanut butter, almonds and sunflower seeds. If you need some nutrition tuition, book a dietician!

8. Indulge with a spa treatment. If you don’t have the time or money to visit a day spa, you can pamper yourself at home. Exfoliate your hands with a mix of olive oil and sugar, put cold teabags on your eyes to reduce puffiness or blend yourself a strawberry & honey facemask – at least you’ll taste great when infant decides to chew on your cheek! A manicure and pedicure will make you look very groomed and well kept. Keep colours natural on fingernails or just even buff them. If you don’t even have time during the day for these simple treatments, slather on the night cream to keep wrinkles away – but be careful, it might keep your husband away too!

9. Develop yourself. Worrying about your children’s developmental needs but neglecting your own? Your self-image is probably not the same as it was before you were a mum. Your bodyshape might have changed, you may have had to make different career choices or you may feel like you have lost your identity. Take a look in the mirror – pull your shoulders back, lift your chin up now tell yourself out loud your 10 best attributes. Yes you will feel silly but who cares. If you need someone other than your own reflection to give you some honest feedback and help you rebuild your identity, then think about hiring a personal coach.

10. Put some icing on the image cake. All kids love icing and so will you if you just need that little extra kick. There are so many image enhancing options that can complete your transformation. White teeth can take years off your age and reduce self consciousness – ask your dentist about the range of techniques available. If you have a few more lines than you’d like why not speak to a cosmetic surgeon about wrinkle treatments, microdermabrasion, laser treatment or a non-surgical facelift? It can be your own secret indulgence.